We are thrilled to introduce a new feature that will revolutionize how you provide feedback within Teamflect. Users can now enhance their feedback answers using AI, similar to our existing functionality for reviews and surveys. This enhancement aims to streamline the feedback process, making it more efficient and insightful.
New Feature Highlights
Purpose: Leverage AI to provide more comprehensive and polished feedback responses, ensuring clarity and depth.
Benefit: Saves time and enhances the quality of feedback by generating well-articulated responses.
How to Use AI-Enhanced Feedback
Answering Feedback Questions: When responding to feedback questions, you will now see an option to "Enhance with AI".
Generate AI Responses: Click on this option to enhance your answers using AI-generated responses, providing more comprehensive and insightful feedback.
We believe this new feature will significantly improve the feedback process by offering enhanced, AI-generated responses that are more detailed and articulate. This will help users save time while ensuring high-quality feedback.