I would go one step further and make this a dynamic alignment view. This is what we had in Viva Goals and it was the first time everything started to click for our employees. You can drill deeper and deeper and really understand where you and your goals fall.
Teamflect Product Team
I am a manager with 4 teams and 4 team leads in my department - a total of over 35 people. In my line of reports I can only filter out the goals of the 4 team leaders, but not the goals of the teams and team members "below them". I can only search people one by one to see their goals. This is really counterproductive and strategically cumbersome. Please help!
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Goals visibility HIERARCHICALLY
Julija Stanaitytė
You can only see your team goals and initiatives, but department level you cannot see other levels. That cause so much inconvenience if you want to see all department okr.
Tadas Jarockas
A must thing to have!!!
Currently there is a conceptual limitation present when you are capable either seeing the KRs for specified period OR you have to drill down in Company goals tree to see who is contributing to any given KR with their initiatives. No combintation of both, which is an essentiial layout for any manager of the Department .Teamflect Product Team